More information on the Chameleon
Contacting us

Below you will find details of how to contact us, so you can tell us your wishes, suggestions or simply ask for more information. Feel free to ask us anything - maybe you want to share ideas about projects, ask for another feature on your favourite skin or just see what's cooking today...

Discussion forum

The quickest way to get help, is to use our forum. Where users and developers can post questions and share knowledge. Our expert team of DSP designers and R&D staff are always around to help. We are a very open community and we are happy to support you in any way.

Developers mailing list

Aside from the support forums and resources provided by us at Soundart (below), there is now also an active developers email discussion list, with space to share and swap code and ideas, examples and tips. It is run by Jay Vaughan and other helpful Chameleon nuts on Everyone is welcome.
To find out more or to join, click here.

Other usefull addresses

Comments and suggestions

We want to improve our current products and develop new ones with your help, so feel free to contact us using the forum.

Technical support

If you have any questions regarding your Soundart product, please consult our basic FAQ and technical FAQ (frequently asked questions). If this doesn't help you, please use our forum.

