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Developer downloads
This is the place where you can get the tools and documentation to create software that runs on a Chameleon. Everything you need to start building your own synthesizer or effects programs is available on this page. If you don't understand what kind of programming this involves, you may wish to consult the Developers - Technical FAQ.
The current release of the Chameleon Software Development Kit (SDK) is version 1.2. To compile and run skins on your Chameleon,
you actually need to download and install just the Chameleon Software Development Kit Core and the Chameleon Binaries.
However, we recommend to download the Chameleon Documentation aswell.
You can also examine the Developers - Technical Documentation - Online version;
content-wise, it is identical with the documentation included in the Chameleon SDK.
Individual components may get updated between major releases. If you have the Chameleon SDK v1.2 already installed on your computer, you can go directly to the Developers - Downloads - Component Updates to check for new versions.
To download additional source code, example applications and related sound clips, go to the Developers - Resources.
If you use an Operating System other than Windows, but want to examine the SDK contents anyway, you should download the Chameleon SDK - Cross-platform files containing the libraries and source code. Portions of the Chameleon SDK to other platforms are planned.
Installation files for a full installation of the latest Chameleon SDK.
For a complete list of Latest Changes, go to the Chameleon SDK - Version History page.
If you are already running a recent version of the Chameleon SDK on your computer, you may prefer to just update specific components.
Get them from the Chameleon SDK - Components Update section below.
SDK - Individual Components (V1.2 - 05/2002)
Chameleon SDK Core Files Installer
[EXE; 2.7 MB]
Includes all the Chameleon development utilities, the Chameleon system libraries, drivers and sample code.
Chameleon Binaries Installer
[EXE; 10.9 MB]
All the Motorola and GNU compilation tools.
Chameleon Documentation Installer
[EXE; 24.9 MB]
Complete Chameleon SDK documentation set.
SciLab 2.6 Installer
[EXE; 5.18 MB]
This freeware from INRIA is an amazing Matlab-like tool, which makes it easier to develop algorithms, specially compiled for the Chameleon.
Please note that this is NOT the same Scilab version available at the INRIA homepage.
SDK - Single File (V1.2 - 05/2002)
Chameleon SDK Full Pack
[EXE; 44.2 MB]
This contains the four above components in a single larger file.
Chameleon SDK libraries build 8
[ZIP; 810KB] (updated: 2005/07/29)
Latest version of the Chameleon SDK libraries and makefiles. It replaces the installed libraries and makefiles
and adds the new gnu563c.mak and Tasking.mak files in order to allow to compile Chameleon applications using the DSP563xx GNU C compiler included
in the Chameleon SDK, and the DSP C/C++ compiler from Tasking.
Chameleon Toolkit v1.44
[EXE; 191 KB] (updated: 2005/07/29)
Latest version of the Chameleon Toolkit. Just replace the file Toolkit.exe file on your
Chameleon.sdk/bin directory.
Chameleon Development Environment v1.41
[EXE; 435 KB] (updated: 2003/03/24)
Current version of the Chameleon Development Environment executable.
This file replaces the installed in Chameleon.sdk/bin/CDE
by the Chameleon SDK v1.2 fixing some bugs found and adding new capabilities.
These files are intended for informative/educational purposes only. They are useful for people working on platforms other than Microsoft Windows. Binary files (such as compilers, linkers, assemblers and other tools) are not included, since by now these are only available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
Chameleon SDK v1.2 cross-platform files
[ZIP; 701 KB]
This zip file contains the source files from the Chameleon SDK to allow cross-platform developers to
browse and check the examples and libraries included in the SDK.